Saturday, May 16, 2009

Teesha & Tracy Moore's Art Journal Class

I took a journal class this week-end from Teesha and Tracy. I learned some cool techniques. These pages are not close to being done yet. These are the first two layers, I still need to add more details and text. Teesha was very generous teacher with her materials and ideas. She talked about being able to let go of things. When we hold on to things they become to precious and then we lose the creative energy. One of my favorite quotes is from Henri Matisse, "Creativity takes courage" to me that means letting go what what we know to be able to experience the creative mystery.


  1. Hi Roxie,

    Thanks for visiting the family blog.
    I love your work. Mega creative.
    Great energy, ideas, signature style.
    Look forward to following you.
    Let me know if you start selling altered
    shopping bags and envelopes!


  2. Roxie...
    I love this part of your post (from Teesha)
    *She talked about being able to let go of things. When we hold on to things they become to precious and then we lose the creative energy.*
    sooooo true!!! I get caught up in holding my art and ideas too tight... chokes them off.
    Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Hey Rox,
    I wish I was with you @ class!!
    Looking forward to coming to visit soon....
    Is my room ready? xoxoxo
    Much ARTsiStER LOVE

  4. Hi Roxanne - Found this link via Andrea's list of blogs she follows and immediately recognized your work from the workshop. This is your table buddy Cindy! It was a great workshop ... I found it very inspiring and hard to get back to the regular grind after having so much fun. It was nice meeting you. Hope we get a chance to journal together again. ;-)
