Sunday, August 1, 2010

The stencil Party Continues.....

I made a bunch of stencils from old folders, I did them while watching T.V. I tried stenciling on fabric and I noticed I had to iron the fabric really flat to get the affect I wanted. The edges are not as crisp on fabric as on paper, so I had to use spray adhesive on the stencils when placing on the fabric.
Hand-made stencils

Layer 1. The first layer I usually make pretty sloppy, with random painting, stamping
and stenciling.

2. Last Layer. This is the same piece but with several layers of stenciling, I used spray paint and acyclic paints. I want some of all the different layers to show through somewhere on the piece.
I call these squished stones.


  1. awesome! i love the last one best. that's totally my color palette and i love the circular shapes and the black letters on hot pink that's peeking out under the blue.

  2. Freezer paper works great for creating stencils to use on fabric. You can iron the waxy side of the freezer paper to the fabric, paint, then peel off the freezer paper. Watch out, I may have opened a whole new world for you!

  3. I really like your art work as well as your teaching model.

  4. i like your stencils stone; first stop onyour blog, nice to visit

  5. Right now I am trying to remember how it is that I quit reading blogs like I used to. There is so much amazing content here that it makes my heART ache thinking about all I missed along the way. Lucky for me that it is all still here. Thanks for always being such a great source of inspiration. YOU are amazing!
